Friday, February 20, 2015

Destroying a pathetic life

A man should not be judged by the amount of pity, he invokes for somebody, nor from the amount of empathy professed by him during miserable times of life of a downtrodden human. We never give any heed to genuine heart wrenching feelings of ours towards our fellow brethren. We pity people out of our sadistic approach of enjoying other people's miseries.

"oh! What a pity? What a poor man, he is. Earlier he had so much" Satisfied, I am now.

"Oh! What a pity? He has become so old and weak. Earlier he could fight a bull." Satisfied, I am now.

"Oh! What a pity? That dog is so pathetic. Earlier he was shiny and gay." Satisfied, I am now.

"Oh! Can I help you in some way. You never needed it earlier." Satisfied, I am now.

"Let me boost his morale, so that he can do something for himself."" Why?"  you ask?"Because I motivated him"

Bullshit all bullshit, and more. A man should be judged by the number of people, whose lives he has destroyed. Made their pathetic lives more pathetic, by not pitying them and giving them his true self, which every man deserves, being of greatest creation of that even more woebegone god.

Let me give you an example. A cook who is so pathetic, that he cannot even make a clear soup, should never be commended for his mediocrity, which we always almost do and see ourselves in high esteem for the gesture we have shown towards the poor bugger. I was once served a sumptuous meal of grilled fish in a nondescript town. It was so delicious, it felt like honey in texture and that aromatic tangy flavor of mustard in which it was marinated was truly unrivaled. It truly made me lascivious.

But then, as is my wont, I asked for the chef or rather the cook, which he was when he arrived. He was a boy of not more than seventeen. Clad in his dirty brown apron, he arrived apologetic, but confident that if confronted on the quality of the food, he will be pitied by his co-workers and manager, and eventually by the obnoxious me too. I praised him for his stupendous performance and he could see the true me, by the satisfied grin on my face. But he was so taken aback by this sudden event that he could only mutter a very ashamed, "It doesn't matter." and a very meek, "Thank you sir." And off went the little pathetic bugger.

But I was sure that his life will become more pathetic and will be completely destroyed in due course of time, if intermingled with mind altering substances. He was a contended boy thinking he amounted to nothing and now somebody called him out to praise him for simply something he is entitled to do in lieu of a meager sum of money. That remuneration will never be enough now. There it is destroyed, his peace, his contentment and his sense of pride will alienate him from the rest of the crew. He will be forced to look for that pride again and again, till it becomes a personality trait of him and no longer a one-ff thing.

Maybe, he will never be able to achieve it, but for the time being , till he understands the complete notion of it, he will be a mere mongrel in this world of wannabe pedigreed dogs.

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