Saturday, August 8, 2009

The world is what it is

"Life is what it is. The people, who are nothing or who allow themselves to be nothing, have no place in it". This is the opening line of VS Naipaul's famous novel "A bend in the river". And now I am going to tell you what I think about it. First, life is what it is. No, denying the fact, but not 100% true. There have been people in the world who have changed their lives and others' also, the examples galore. Secondly, darwinian "survival of the fittest" may be true when explaining theory of evolution(it's a again a theory only), but who says people who are not smart enough or who are not fit to survive have to be wiped off the face of the planet or if not so they will lead a life of secondory citizens. What different are we from Hitler or for that matter any person effecting genocide because the people he killed were not giving anything productive to the society or they were living normal mortal lives. There is nothing wrong in being a person with human emotions or in other words a person not "man" enough.

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